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Meeting Minutes

By: Emma Gendron


Tuesdays and Thursdays since beginning of Fall semester 2019


Aug 27

Meeting to start planning for competition


Sep 3

Meeting to do team building

We have decided to name the kiosk IICEA

            -This idea came from Ellis

Competing idea, calling the kiosk IDEA

Meeting to work on kiosk


Oct 15

Practice of previous comp brainstorming and team building exercise led by daisy


Oct 22

First meeting in the 3F.38 and 3F.43-5

Meeting to work on practice for robot. Ailish designed a mock competition and the members of the team were to come up with robot concepts for it. People were put into teams to work on refining these ideas together and at the end there were 3 robot designs to present. Arshia decided to work on game strategy rather than a robot concept and figured out the best way to gain the most points in the given game


Oct 29


Continuation of previous meeting to practice idea development


Nov 5

We analyzed the actions necessary to activate each actuator individually and attempted to create links between the actions in order to create fewer mechanisms that will have a maximal outcome

It took longer than it should have but was a regular 2 hour meeting

We got lots of ideas

People participated and argued for their concepts

We learned more about the rules from experienced members

We thought outside of the box and then made it work for the robot

We gave out homework: draw up 3 concept for the next meeting


Nov 12

Robotics lab

We arrived with our homework: concepts based on what we did last week. Everyone had ideas, proving that it was beneficial for people to work on their own. We presented and shared our concepts and then discusses about what the best concept would be comprised of. We planned on having a shorter meeting this time around but ended up agreeing to stay later than usual to make sure we have a clear robot concept that we all are happy with by the end. Typical meeting duration: 2h. This meeting’s duration 2h30. We decided on: a rectangular base, 4 wheels of any kind, an extending arm mechanism, a static clamp on the side of the base to use on the twister actuator, a static guide for the ball and chain actuator, one or many flippers for the arch actuator and a fin for the top of the robot to actuate the arch at the beginning of the game.


Nov 19

It went well, we have a list of elements and general plan for robot design. We have 5 elements other than wheels so we separated into 3 teams of 2 and 1 team of 3 to tackle each part individually and in a focused manner. It felt like a short meeting and was generally fun.

We got some work done but didn’t do much discussing. We still have to figure out if we will buy the wheels or make them. We got work done but if we keep this pace we won’t be done in time so the captains thought we should have another meeting day (Thursdays) so that we can get more work done. It wasn’t a very organized meeting, many people left after doing their work and without knowing everyone else’s work/ideas.


Nov 21

First Thursday meeting

I notified the group a little late so maybe there will be less people than usual

It’s a relaxed meeting for working on whatever you want in the given time, it’s a less structured meeting

This will probably be when we work on the kiosk a bit more too

Number of ppl: 6

What we worked on

We made cardboard models one of twister

Fixed the chair for tutorial


Nov 26

We announced Thursday meetings

We presented our concepts from last week

We worked on kiosk


Nov 28

Continuation of robot design, progress on the maturity of the robot blueprint. Each aspect of the robot has been designates to a group of two people, and is then reviewed by peers.


Dec 3

Final blueprint of field. Ailish took a step back to work on finances, builds an excel sheet.


Dec 5

Everyone was building and it was an overall productive meeting

We were cleaning the items bought for the kiosk decoration

Jamie, Ellis and Luca worked on the table that will open up to create a larger surface area for work on the robot

Other guys built robot prototypes like the one for the arm. Also started on robot base and attaching wheels

Emma and Ailish doing finance and other captain work as well as cleaning kiosk items



Winter Break Begins


Week 1

Dec. 10th - meeting

7 showed up, some did work

Work on robot base was continued

Jamie b. attached metal bars to bottom of table

Emma and Ailish sanded down pink insulation foam to make avocado shapes


Jamie s. worked on the base for the robot. He machined mounts for the motors

Emma painted fake avocados for kiosk

Ailish, Emma and Daisy made kiosk walls

Daisy worked on programming comp.

Ailish and Emma designed and tested for the front sign

A and E also glued down table legs to secure them

And cut polycarbonate piece for big sign

A, E and D lasercut letters with Darren’s help for IICEA sign, letter C file didn’t work


Week 2

Jamie finished the robot base and mounted the wheels

Ellis added electrical outlets to kiosk walls

Daisy made a mount for the sign

Ailish poured yellow paint onto PC for IICEA sign


After holidays

Jamie b. finished table and made a bench to match which will be used as the leaf when working on robot during comp.

Emma, Schachter and Daisy fixed C for IICEA sign and cut it w laser cutter

Started video script and concept.


After Holidays


Work Period begins, production of video, tutorial, website, kiosk, and robot.






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